Side Projects
Investigadores Paraguayos en el Mundo: Website that displays information about Paraguayan researchers living abroad and working on scientific research in universities, centers, and companies outside Paraguay. Technologies: Python, Django, MySQL, Google Maps → Github Website
Meteo Thermometer: Android application that leverages weather local services to provide the user highly accurate weather temperature information. This information is displayed in a simple and nice home-screen widget. Technologies: Android. → Github Google Play
Fingerprint Attendance System: A system that uses fingerprints to control the attendance of people at events. Technologies: Python, GTK+. → Sourceforge
IdeaScaly: IdeaScale RESTful API library client that supports about 50% of IdeaScale API methods (e.g., create and delete ideas, attach files to ideas, vote up/down on ideas, post comments on ideas, and comments, get the list of recent, top, and hot ideas, add new members to communities, get information about community members, and get the list of recent, top, and hot ideas). It was implemented to facilitate the collection of information on IdeaScale communities and, until now, is the first and only API library client for IdeaScale. Technologies: Python, IdeaScale API. → Github PyPI